Hacked Raven Input (Nina Wenhart, jonCates + jake elliot) remixes and transcodes raw data from various Media Art Archives, converting files into realtime audio video noise, building a nest for digital punk computer witches and crashing systems across a network connecting Linz/Chicago.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Question: How to introduce variance into audio (resulting from databending video as raw data)

Question: How to introduce variance into audio (resulting from databending video as raw data)

(possible) Answer: Perform databending/convert video files into raw data with Audacity. Export as AIFF. Create new copy of original Quicktime video file. Delete audio track. Open raw data AIFF in Quicktime. Copy AIFF. Select All in original Quicktime video file. Add to Selection and Scale. Save As Quicktime Movie. Resulting Quicktime video file will have original video combined w/raw data audio but raw data audio will now be time shifted to duration of original video file.

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